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Útgáfudagsetning vísar til hvenær myndin var gerð, þegar það er gefið upp, annars til upphleðslu á YouTube. Lengd myndskeiðs er í mínútum.

Myndefni er flokkað þannig:

200 Jahre Richard Wagner | Journal Interview2013-05-1312
6 Interesting Richard Wagner Facts2018-06-0911
An Introduction to Richard Wagner's The Ring Cycle part 12018-05-2357
An Introduction to Richard Wagner's The Ring Cycle part 22018-05-2360
An Introduction to Richard Wagner's The Ring Cycle part 32018-05-2348
An Introduction to Wagner's Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg2011-05-2320
Antonio Pappano introduces the music of Parsifal (The Royal Opera)2013-12-0517
Best Wagner Works: 10 Essential Pieces By The Great Composer2020-05-21
Das Rheingold | The Ring Cycle2019-11-01153
Die Nibelungen Kriemhilds Rache 1967
Die Nibelungen Siegfried 1966
Dokumentation - Wagner - Das Rheingold
Famous Composers: Richard Wagner Documentary2018-02-2467
Fritz Lang - Die Nibelungen | With English Subtitles & Piano Film Score
Great Composers - Richard Wagner2013-05-1922
Great Composers: Richard Wagner2017-05-0419
Great Composers: Wagner2014-05-0459
Introduction To The Composer Richard Wagner 2016-05-262
Iván Fischer - interview about Richard Wagner2012-06-0113
Life of Richard Wagner2013-02-1223
List of compositions by Richard Wagner
Panel discussion (complete) of Hilan Warshaw's documentary "Wagner's Jews", Sept. 24, 2013
Protesting Richard Wagner at the LA Opera
Richard Wagner - Conductor & Composer2012-10-164
Richard Wagner - Eine Filmbiographie aus 18132016-03-1055
Richard Wagner (1913)
Richard Wagner (1913) [German intertitles with English subtitles]
Richard Wagner 1913
Richard Wagner A Brief History2014-11-2517
Richard Wagner Documentary 1874 Part 12011-05-2610
Richard Wagner Documentary 1874 Part 22011-05-2910
Richard Wagner Poland Ouverture - Hulencourt Soloists2016-07-1815
Richard Wagner und die Juden
Richard Wagner: Adolf Hitler's Favorite Composer2019-05-234
Roger Scruton - Wagner and Philosophy2013-12-2545
Siegfried et Fafnir (1924)
Silent Wagner 1913 silent film
The Fall of the Nibelungs, Mythology Audiobook, Nibelungen, by Margaret Armour
The Story of Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the Niblungs
The Wagner Family2016-07-0349
The Wagner Interviews - Desert Island Wagner?2014-02-214
The Wagner Interviews: Alexandern Polzin2013-12-018
The Wagner Interviews: Dame Anne Evans2013-11-149
The Wagner Interviews: Daniele Gatti2013-11-077
The Wagner Interviews: David Nice2013-11-287
The Wagner Interviews: Dr Peter Hanser-Strecker2013-12-018
The Wagner Interviews: Introduction by Lady Linda Wong Davies2013-12-012
The Wagner Interviews: Mark Wigglesworth2013-11-067
The Wagner Interviews: Mel Yang2013-12-1210
The Wagner Interviews: Richard Peduzzi2013-12-027
The Wagner Interviews: Robert Carsen2013-11-077
The Wagner Interviews: Simon Callow2013-11-069
The Wagner Interviews: Sir John Tomlinson2013-11-169
The Wagner Interviews: Stephen Johnson2013-11-067
The Wagner Interviews: Stuart Skelton2013-11-048
The Wagner Interviews: Waltraud Meier2013-11-209
The Wagner Interviews: Zhou Long2013-11-076
Verdi vs Wagner: the 200th birthday debate with Stephen Fry2013-09-13110
Wagner Documentary : In the Eye of the Ring
Wagner Intro Part 12010-09-0213
Wagner Intro Part 22010-09-02
Wagner, a controversial genius2013-07-254
Wagner's 'Der Ring des Nibelungen' (analysis)
Wagner's Ring - Experimental Short film by John Cage (1987)2017-07-084
Wagner's Ring: a Musical Guide Crowdfunding Film2015-09-14
Waltraud Meier Interview2009-11-0910