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Sendi ykkur íslenska frétt af heimasíðu Alþjóðasamtaka Wagnerfélaga:

Ennfremur upplýsingar af síðunni (www.richard-wagner.org) um þing Alþjóðasamtakanna í München í október á næsta ári (ef covid lofar), en þingið í ár, sem vera átti í Bonn, var fellt niður:

Aftur er vakin athygli á „live“ tónleikum Lise Davidsen laugardaginn 29. ágúst. Um hana segir á Met síðunni www.metopera.org:

LIVE: Saturday, August 29, at 1PM ET

Hailed as “the Wagnerian promise of her generation” by The New York Times, sensational soprano Lise Davidsen offers a program of the soaring arias and songs that have rocketed her to stardom around the world, live from Oslo’s picturesque Oscarshall Palace. Davidsen, who caused a sensation with her 2019 Met debut, will sing selections from Wagner’s Tannhäuser, R. Strauss’s Ariadne auf Naxos, and Puccini’s Manon Lescaut, as well as Scandinavian songs by Sibelius and Grieg, accompanied by pianist James Baillieu.

Tickets for this live concert are $20, and the performance will remain available for on-demand viewing for 12 days. If you are unable to tune in live, you may purchase a ticket at any point during the 12-day window to access the concert on demand.“

Bestu kveðjur,